Cardi and Meg The Stallion Drop “W.A.P”

When I first heard about this collab, I knew it was going to be fire, and now that it’s here, Cardi and Meg did not disappoint.

In their latest song W.A.P which stands for Wet A** P****, Meg and Cardi rap about any and everything that goes on behind closed doors if you know what I mean. To me, the song gives off the same vibe as another nasty, but classic, song - Khia’s My Neck My Back; and personally I love it. Granted, their mouths are pretty filthy, but I also love that as women they possess the freedom to explore their sexuality is such a mainstream way, even if it is totally x-rated.

VIEWER AND LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED, but if you want to check it out, here’s the video!

Oh, and here’s a fun fact. If you look closely, you’ll also see some very familiar faces!