Kim and Kanye Spend More Than Your Salary on. . . Daycare

This is an insane amount of money. To us, at least. Kim and Kanye spend anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000 a month on nannies for their three kids.

That’s about $600,000 and $1.2 million a year JUST on childcare. My Gawd.

Kanye made $27.5 million just last year, and Kim brought in another $67 million. So, that's $94.5 million in 2018. Even if, on the high-end, they spent $1.2 million on childcare, that's 1.3% of their income.

What percentage of your salary do you spend on childcare? If you're a $100,000 household, is $1,300 a year on childcare for three kids a "small fortune"? No . . . it's getting off CHEAP.